+211 924 441 824


Agriculture and Fisheries


Food crops and fish together account for between 20% and 35% of food consumed in Southern Sudan and are an important component of food Security. Therefore, YCDO aims to mobilize funds and resources to initiate agricultural and fisheries programmes with an aim to protect lives and livelihoods, promote self-reliance and enhance economic activity.

This will be achieved through introduction of seed and tool deliveries so as to increase the availability of grain in areas affected by high rates of malnutrition for the sake of women and the children mainly. Introduce to the local’s projects to develop rice growing and ox-ploughing with an aim of enhancing longer term improvement in food availability. Also agro forestry approach will be enhanced so as to cater for the environmental conservation as a mode of agriculture.

Under the agricultural project, targeted farmers will be trained in nearby farmers training centres if any and through mobile training. Farm trials will also be initiated so as to identify suitable varieties of crops that are adapted to local people to become community animal health workers. This is so because the training element is key to success of all project components. This will also involve the training of outreach farmer groups which will involve a shift from the farmer-to-farmer extension approach to outreach groups. The idea will concentrate on a few farmers as role models for all others.


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Education, Food Security and Livelihood, and Human Rights, Peace building (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Protection & Gender Based Violence (GBV) ...More...

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