Due to conservative cultural practices of the South Sudanese, empowerment of girl child or women has never been at the top of the agenda of most locals, it will therefore be prudent for YCDO to conduct women training in various life skills like entrepreneurship, micro-finance, table banking, health, HIV/AIDS, managing of local resources, environmental conservation.
YCDO would also wish to undertake participatory learning, for youths who missed years in school due to war and are lagging behind than their peers. This requires the use of child centred instructional strategies on core subjects. This will also be aimed at engaging the youth who had been child soldiers to engage in more productive jobs like agriculture and will be an easier way out of disarming them, so that they can be made into useful and productive citizens.
Also blacksmith and other vocational training programmes will be conducted so as to increase the number of locally made hand tools, including ox-ploughs, ox-carts, this is intended to go a long way in enhancing marketing and trade activities for both farmers and fishermen.
YCDO also intends to conduct trainings on improved water management practices, which will include water, shed management projects to be put in place in various areas. This will include tree planting activities and the protection of water catchment areas. The organization will endeavour to conduct civic education and good governance workshops for the local authorities and communities so that they could understand their basic rights and also administrative matters.
Education, Food Security and Livelihood, and Human Rights, Peace building (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Protection & Gender Based Violence (GBV) ...More...
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